Custom Sample Code for Access, Excel, Crystal Reports and more
When you need to create tens, hundreds, or thousands of barcodes all at once we have the tools you need. Use the code included with our software to quickly make Code 128, Code 39, UPC barcodes and more.
Barcodes in Access
Build barcodes into your Access database. Use the custom code and sample databases included with our software to quickly build barcodes in your project.
Barcodes in C/C++
If your favorite language is C, we've got code to help you wire barcode-creation into all your projects.
Barcodes in Crystal Reports
Format barcodes in your SAP Crystal Reports. We've created custom functions that help take the sting out of report writing.
Barcodes in Excel
Make barcodes in your Excel spreadsheets. Our custom macros and sample spreadsheets make it easy to create hundreds or thousands of barcodes all at once.
Barcodes in Visual Basic
We've written the Visual Basic code so you don't have to.
Your satisfaction matters
All of our software comes with a full 30 day money-back guarantee and free technical support for life.