Identifying Organic Produce

Ever notice that grocery store clerks often have to stop and type in a number for produce items instead of scanning a barcode? In fact in many places fruits and vegetables don't have bar codes on them (yet). If your produce has a sticker with a number on it, that number is a PLU, or price look up, number.
The PLU gives you a clue about the fruit or vegetable you're purchasing. Most PLUs are only four digits long and some are five. If the PLU is 5 digits, it's the first digit that you should focus on. A 9 means that the item is organically grown. An 8 on the other hand may mean that it's a genetically modified plant.
While organic produce may cost more, for some folks it's worth the price. Like Jerry's dad used to say, "I'd rather pay the butcher than the doctor."