UPC Barcode FAQ

Answers to your UPC barcode questions. For help using our software visit the technical support page.

UPC barcode FAQ



How do I make a UPC barcode?

UPC barcodes can't be made 'by hand': you'll need barcode software, or UPC barcode functionality in a larger program, to create one. Our UPCTools software lets you make UPC barcodes in two ways: one at a time using the UPCTools barcode wizard, or in batches of tens, hundreds or thousands by calling the software within your database, spreadsheet, or other application.

UPC A barcode made with UPCTools

Either method lets you create high-quality UPC symbols without having to worry about the start and stop bars or the character set. We do it all for you.

How do I calculate a UPC check digit?

The UPC check digit involves an unusual algorithm called a 'modulo 10'. The easiest way to figure out an UPC check digit is to let software do it for you, or use our free Excel spreadsheet, though it is possible to work it through on paper.

UPC A barcode

Want to give it a try on your own? Grab a calculator! Our example barcode data is 69277198116.

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